The Process

We’re gonna have a blast…here’s how:
I. Inquire
Shoot me an email and we’ll get a meeting on the calendar.
V. Wedding day
Relax, eat, and have fun today! My team and I will take all of the photographs, you and your fiancé will say “I do,” and we’ll all dance the night away!
II. Meet
We’ll meet in person or online. This is when you get to ask me questions and we see if we click (pun intended).
VI. Honeymoon
Yay, you’re married!! While you’re on your honeymoon I’ll publish your sneak peek on Instagram and Facebook. Within 10 weeks your online gallery will be delivered.
III. Book it
We say “heck yeah” to each other. I’ll send over your contract and custom payment plan proposal as well as your deposit invoice. Once you sign and submit those we’ll be official!
VII. order prints
Once your gallery is delivered, you’ll have 30 days to select the photographs you wish to include in your Heirloom Photo Album. You’ll also place your print and product order(s) at this time.
IV. it’s official
Yay, your wedding is officially booked! You’ll receive monthly emails from me chalk full of planning tips, we’ll take your engagement photos, and we’ll also create your photography timeline and family shot list.
VIII. The future
Our relationship doesn’t end here. Having a baby? Bought a house? Hosting a family reunion? I’ll be with you and your family from here on out to celebrate and photograph all of your major life milestones!