I love this family so much and I was so excited when Erin asked me to photograph her kids for the second time! The weatherman predicted rain so we decided to embrace it and put on our rain boots and raincoats for a fun splish-splashy family photography session…because what kid (and kid-at-heart can resist jumping in puddles?!).
Both D and L have a personality all their own and they came out in full force during our session. D is a total ham but has that older brother protective side to him too, gently taking his sister’s hand and providing lots of hugs. L completely looks up to her brother but is also a ham in her own right, making silly faces and racing around the yard having a good time. And of course we had to get Mom in a few photos, too. We set up a tea party and with cookies and juice in hand, toasted to a good new school year.
I always have fun hanging out and playing with the H family and I can’t wait to do it again!